How Many Skylander Traps Are There?

Both children and adult collectors enjoy many toys and action figures that are modelled from TV shows, movies and video games. The toys provide a more tangible experience with their favourite characters, allowing them to escape into their imagination. 

The Skylanders toys are no different in this regard, and have a great fandom for both the action video games and collectible toys. 

What is Skylanders?

The Skylanders game is set in a world called ‘Skylands', a realm filled with adventure and floating islands. The realm is constantly being threatened by evil forces who want to run Skyland and gain access into all other worlds. 

Skylanders Imageniators - Goodfind Toys

The protectors of the realm are called Skylanders, and they band together as a group, using their powers and weapons to defend their realm. Each Skylander is linked to one of the ten elements of Skylands: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Magic, Tech, Life, Undead, Light, and Dark. 

How many Game releases does Skylander Have?

The Skylander video game currently has six game releases. 

  1. Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure released in 2011
  2. Skylanders: Giants, released in 2012
  3. Skylanders: Swap Force, released in 2013
  4. Skylanders: Trap Team, released in 2014
  5. Skylanders: SuperChargers, released in 2015
  6. Skylanders: Imaginators, released in 2016

    All about Skylanders Trap Team 

    Skylanders: Trap team is the fourth installation in the series. This installation introduces the Trap Masters and the Traps. These traps allow players to trap in-game enemies in one of the ten element-specific Elemental Traps. 

    Trapped enemies can then be summoned as playable characters for a limited time, except in the main hub, where they can be played for an unlimited amount of time.

    Who is the leader of the Trap Team?

    Snap Shot is a blue Water crocagator from the water element. He is the leader of the Trap Team in Skylanders: Trap Team.

    Skylanders Trap Team Leader Snap Shot - Goodfind Toys

    How Many Skylander Traps are there? 

    There are 59 collectible traps, minus the Villain Variant traps, which are an additional six traps. They are separated by the elements and are as follows:

    1. Six Air Traps - Breezy Bird (Toucan), Cloudy Cobra (Snake), Cyclone Sabre (Sword), Drafty Decanter (Jughead), Storm Warning (Screamer), and Tempest Timer (Hourglass).
    2. Three Dark Traps - Dark Dagger (Sword), Ghastly Grimace (Handstand), and Shadow Spider (Spider).
    3. Six Earth Traps - Banded Boulder (Orb), Dust of Time (Hourglass), Rock Hawk (Toucan), Rubble Trouble (Handstand), Slag Hammer (Hammer), and Spinning Sandstorm (Totem)
    4. Six Fire Traps - Blazing Belch (Yawn), Eternal Flame (Torch), Fire Flower (Scepter), Scorching Stopper (Screamer), Searing Spinner (Totem), and Spark Spear (Captain's Hat). 
    5. Six Life Traps - Emerald Energy (Torch), Jade Blade (Sword), Oak Eagle (Toucan), Seed Serpent (Snake), Shrub Shrieker (Yawn), and Weed Whacker (Hammer). 
    6. Three Light Traps - Beam Scream (Yawn), Heavenly Hawk (Hawk), and Shining Ship (Rocket).
    7. Six Magic Traps - Arcane Hourglass (Hourglass), Axe of Illusion (Axe), Biter's Bane (Log Holder), Rune Rocket (Rocket), Sorcerous Skull (Skull), and Spell Slapper (Totem).
    8. Six Tech Traps - Automatic Angel (Angel), Factory Flower (Scepter), Grabbing Gadget (Hand), Makers Mana (Flying Helmet), Tech Totem (Tiki), and Topsy Techy (Handstand).
    9. Six Undead Traps - Dream Piercer (Captain's Hat), Grim Gripper (Hand), Haunted Hatchet (Axe), Spectral Skull (Skull), Spirit Sphere (Orb), and Spooky Snake (Snake).
    10. Six Water Traps - Aqua Axe (Axe), Flood Flask (Jughead), Frost Helm (Flying Helmet)
    11. Villain Variants: Soaking Staff (Angel), Tidal Tiki (Tiki), and Wet Walter (Log Holder). 
    12. Three Legendary Traps  - Legendary Flood Flask (Water Jughead), Legendary Spectral Skull (Undead Skull), and Legendary Spirit Sphere (Undead Orb).
    13. Two Kaos Traps - The Kaos Trap, and Ultimate Kaos Trap.


    Whether you are a collector or you want these toys for your kids, the traps add more fun to play time. Add them to your collection!